ABANDONED because of writing an all-Clojure version instead, not just ClojureScript on the client side. Last update on August 18th, 2014. There is a new series of articles about the all-Clojure version starting in 09/2014. You might still find useful information in this article though.
I wrote about having written my first actual application using ClojureScript and Om, a web client for my BirdWatch application. You may want to start with that article to understand the background better. This week I first want to talk about my experience with ClojureScript and Om. Then I want to start describing the implementation details. I am fully aware that what has come out of it up until now is far from elegant in terms of pretty much everything. But in my defense, it does appear to work :)
Click the screenshot below to see a live version of the application:
So, about my experience. I have been reading articles and books about Clojure for a while and it really does seem to resonate with me. I like this whole homoiconicity thing. Code and data are basically the same thing and thus share the same data structures. Code is really data, representing the abstract syntax tree (AST) directly. Now my initial reaction to this concept was that it had to be rather low level to do so, but to my surprise the opposite turned out to be true with a [Lisp](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp(programminglanguage)); you gain a tremendous amount of expressiveness. I also really like that a) Clojure introduces additional data structures besides the obvious list, i.e. Maps, Sets and Vectors and b) it is idiomatic to simply use those.
Sure, there is something to be said about types and how type safety makes working on large-scale applications less error-prone. But at the same time I have a hunch that the presence of hundreds of (case) classes complects an application in a way that idiomatic usage of a map does not. Have you seen this before, where you had cascades of only slightly differing data structures and the next step of a computation added only a little bit of data and called that a new thing, modeled as a different something? That can become difficult to reason about, particularly when there are no useful design documents outlining how one morphs into the other.
But then again, I am somewhat afraid of the lack of compile time errors when I call a function with something of a wrong type. So as of now, that is an unresolved question for me. May my endeavor into Clojure and thus Lisp afford me with a more educated opinion on this matter. What I don't like about strongly typed systems is that I have seen way too many runtime failures that a) the type system and the compiler did not catch and b) really came from the application being so incidentally complex that the consequences of changes were by all means (too) hard to grasp even for the most senior team members.
I guess I really need some production experience with Clojure to be able to come up with a fair and substantial comparison of the different approaches. But the application I am talking about today is a start at least. And learning a new language has never hurt anyone, I guess.
So, what’s the experience been like so far?
Here are my perceived pros:
Here are some (somewhat minor) cons, as well:
By the way, regarding performance, I have seen the same problems with my naïve Scala.js approach before. EDIT: I don't know what the problem was there. The problems with performance in the ClojureScript version are solved. I have not played around with that one again since my first attempt back in January. That is mostly due to the lack of a ReactJS binding which is anywhere near as complete as Om. I'll be happy to give it a try again once ReactJS support is comparable to Om. EDIT: probably not.
First of all, you will need to understand a few very basic things about Clojure being a [Lisp](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp(programminglanguage)). Feel free to skip this section if you know Clojure already. My aim is for you to be able to follow along even if you've never tried Clojure or a Lisp before. So the basic idea in a Lisp is the List (no wonder, as Lisp stands for List Programming), a singly linked list, to be precise. This list can hold both code and data. Let's see how that looks like. You can try these examples out using the REPL in Leiningen by running lein repl
from your command line.
This is an empty list: ()
It evaluates to itself.
When the list is not empty, the first item in the list will be evaluated as a function: (some-function "a" "b")
Here, some-function will be called with the two arguments "a" and "b". Example (print "Hello World!")
Sweet, that is all there is to Hello World.
The first item in a list has to implement the IFn interface meaning it must be possible to call the item as a function. Try this: ("a" "b")
. Not surprisingly, the string "a" is not a function, causing this to fail. You can however quote the list to prevent evaluation, like this: '("a" "b")
. Now we can use the list to store items without the first one being evaluated.
Conveniently, Clojure also has a vector which is comparable to an array. You can use it in place of a quoted list, and in fact it is idiomatic to do so when we do not want the first item to be evaluated. Example [1 2 3]
When you want to name something, you have different options available. The first one is def; you can use this to name stuff in the top level of a namespace, for example (def foo [1 2 3])
This will create a vector named foo which you can then refer to from elsewhere. After typing in the previous example, you will see that now you can just type foo
in the REPL and get the vector we have defined previously.
Or you can use the let-binding to name things locally, for example inside a function body, like this: (let [bar [1 2 3]])
Here, you can only refer to bar inside the let form, meaning inside the pair of braces that enclose the let form. Let's use bar: (let [bar [1 2 3]] (print bar))
You should see the vector being printed in your REPL.
Functions can be defined as follows: (fn [a] (+ a 1))
with this, we have defined a function that adds 1 to the argument provided .
You can use the above as an anonymous function like this: ((fn [a] (+ a 1)) 2)
. Remember that the first item in a list will be evaluated. This is what happens to be the anonymous function we have just defined. However, this can be a little clumsy. We can also store the function in a def: (def add-one (fn [a] (+ a 1)))
; now we can call the function like this: (add-one 2)
However, this can even be simpler if we use the defn macro: (defn add-one [a] (+ a 1))
Sometimes, you may want to create a function in place using the anonymous function literal: (#(+ % 1) 2)
. This does the same as the anonymous function in the first position of the list above, except that it is shorter. During compilation the #(+ % 1)
expands into (fn [a] (+ a 1))
, where the percent sign denotes the first argument. If there are multiple arguments, you use %1, %2 and so on (1-based).
No language would be complete if there wasn't a way to make decisions and branch off accordingly. Of course, Clojure has constructs for flow control as well, most notably the [if special form](http://clojure.org/special_forms#Special%20Forms--(if%20test%20then%20else?)). It is really quite simple: (if test then else?)
. The test will be evaluated first. Then based on the result, either then or else are yielded. Other constructs derive from it, such as the when macro.
With these basic constructs you may already find yourself in the position to follow the subsequent source code. Clojure is not hard. Please let me know if you have problems following along. If so, it's most likely not you but rather the fact that my intro wasn't good enough.
Of course, there's a lot more to the language and plenty of stuff to learn when you are ready to delve deeper. As a next step, I suggest Learn Clojure in Y Minutes. There, you simply have more examples to follow along and play around with in your REPL.
As another online resource, I have also found Clojure for the Brave and True to be fun and helpful. Check it out. And if you like it, why not support the author and buy his ebook? You can then enjoy the book on your favorite ebook reader as well, and even if you read it on the web, you will ensure that the author can keep up the good work. Great feeling, I did the same.
Another great resource is Joy of Clojure, 2nd edition. Fun read and I learned a lot. I will revisit it and share some thoughts about it in the reviews section soon.
Let us now have a look at the implementation of the BirdWatch client.
The most important part to understand is that the application state lives in one large atom. When the application is started, this atom is populated with the return of a function that returns a map representing a clean slate version of the application state. Here is how that function looks like:
(defn initial-state []
"function returning fresh application state"
{:count 0
:n 10
:retweets {}
:tweets-map {}
:search-text ""
:page 1
:search "*"
:stream nil
:sorted :by-rt-since-startup
:by-followers (priority-map-by >)
:by-retweets (priority-map-by >)
:by-favorites (priority-map-by >)
:by-rt-since-startup (priority-map-by >)
:by-id (priority-map-by >)
:words-sorted-by-count (priority-map-by >)})
Function returning initial application state
All the keys in this map are keywords. Keywords have the great property that we can use them as functions that take a map as an argument and that then return the value for this key. We will see that in action further below.
Upon startup of the application, the function above is called for populating the state atom:
;;; Application state in a single atom
;;; Will be initialized with the map returned by util/initial-state.
;;; Reset to a new clean slate when a new search is started.
(def app-state (atom (util/initial-state)))
Function returning initial application state
As we have learned above, def creates a thing with a name. This thing is conceptually immutable, at least we treat it that way, so I won't call it a variable. The atom is always the same object, but it holds different versions over time. Then a reference to this atom is passed around. When an update is desired, the map is dereferenced, an updated version is created using some function call and the result is then written back into the atom using a transaction. It is important to note that Clojure data structures are immutable. Immutability guarantees that you can pass data structures around without having to worry that whoever you pass it to might change the data. Data also does not become invalid. Instead, whatever version in time you get a hold on represents the definite state at the time that version was created. State changes only happen inside a transaction, in which a new and altered version of the state is passed back. The transaction part would also mean that no other process could alter state at the same time; in that case the later transaction would be retried until the first one has succeeded. This would be particularly useful when running in a multithreaded environment. However, the JavaScript code resulting from the ClojureScript compilation process runs in a single threaded event loop so only one thing at a same time can happen anyway. On the server side this property becomes more valuable, still.
Having a function that provides an initial, clean state makes it trivial to reset the application state at a later point, we can simply swap the current state with the clean slate map.
Tweets get into the system for further analysis in two ways. First, there is a Server Sent Event stream continuously delivering new matches to a query, with low latency (typically around a second between tweeting and having the tweet show up in the application). In addition, previous tweets are loaded. Both are triggered in the start-search function:
(defn start-search [app tweets-chan]
"initiate new search by starting SSE stream"
(let [search (:search-text @app)
s (if (= search "") "*" search)]
(if (not (nil? (:stream @app))) (.close (:stream @app)))
(reset! app (util/initial-state))
(swap! app assoc :search s)
(aset js/window "location" "hash" (js/encodeURIComponent s))
(swap! app assoc :stream (js/EventSource. (str "/tweetFeed?q=" s)))
(.addEventListener (:stream @app) "message" #(receive-sse tweets-chan %) false)
(doall (for [x (range 5)] (ajax/prev-search s 500 (* 500 x))))))
Let's go through this line by line. The defn macro denotes a function named start-search which takes two arguments, app for a reference to the application state and tweets-chan, a channel to put tweets onto. Channels are building blocks in core.async. We will get to that in a little bit. For now, just think about a channel as a conveyor belt onto which one part of the application puts data. On the other end, another part of the application picks up the data, but the sender does not need to know about it. Broadly speaking, it is a sweet way to decouple parts of an application.
The next line contains the description of the function, followed by a let binding where we first declare two local immutable values, both of which are available for the remainder of the function. The first one, search, retrieves the value for the key :search-text in the application state. @app dereferences the application state, giving us an immutable copy of the current app state. (:search-text @app)
will run the keyword as a function with the state map as an argument, returning the value in the map. Next we declare s whose value can take two paths as decided by the [if special form](http://clojure.org/special_forms#Special%20Forms--(if%20test%20then%20else?)). The if form consists of three parts. There is a test: (= search "")
. Not surprisingly at this point, = is a function that evaluates if the arguments passed to it are equal, returning either true or false. The if form then either returns the expression right after the test if the test evaluated to true or the subsequent one if it evaluated to false. What we are doing here is simply replace an empty string with an asterisk or otherwise just take the search string.
Next, we close a previous Server Sent Event stream, should one exist. This is only required when we reset the application state as on initial startup, the value for the :stream key will be nil. Then we reset the application state by replacing it with a clean state. Then we swap the value for the :search key with the content of the local value s. Then we set the location hash to represent a URI encoded version of the search string.
In the next line, we create a new EventSource object for the live stream of tweets and store it under the :stream key, to which we then attach a function as an event listener. We are using an anonymous function literal here because the receive-sse function takes two arguments (a channel and an event from the EventSource object) whereas the event listener requires a function that only takes a single argument. Then, finally, we call ajax/prev-search with 5 chunks of 500 results each, but we will look at that later. For now let's focus on the receive-sse function:
(defn receive-sse [tweets-chan e]
"callback, called for each item (tweet) received by SSE stream"
(let [tweet (js->clj (JSON/parse (.-data e)) :keywordize-keys true)]
(put! tweets-chan tweet)))
This is a function with two arguments, a channel and an event. In the let-binding, the event is parsed into a tweet. This reads inside out: 1) get event data 2) parse JSON into a JavaScript object 3) convert the JavaScript object into a Clojure(Script) Map. Note that for the conversion into a Clojure Map, we can automatically have the keys converted into keywords using :keywordize-keys true. This is convenient as we can later use the keywords as functions to retrieve values for the respective key. Then the tweet from the let binding is put! onto the tweets-chan, which represents the aforementioned conveyor belt, where we do not need to worry about who picks up the items on the other end.
Now is a good time to talk a little more about those channels. Channels are brought to Clojure by importing the core.async library. Core async is modeled after channels in the Go programming language, which implement Communicating Sequential Processes or CSP for short. You really should watch Rick Hickey's talk about core.async now if you haven't done so already. The same goes for the following talk from 2012 by Rob Pike, who played a key role in the development of Go: Go Concurrency Patterns.
I am really only scratching the surface of what can be achieved with CSP, but it does seem like a useful abstraction to decouple parts of an application. Besides the aforementioned tweets-chan there also is a channel for previous tweets retrieved using Ajax calls (we will cover that part next):
;;; Channels for handling information flow in the application.
(def tweets-chan (chan 10000))
(def prev-tweets-chan (chan 10000))
(go-loop []
(let [[t chan] (alts! [tweets-chan prev-tweets-chan] :priority)]
(tweets/add-tweet t app-state word-cloud)
Above, two channels have been defined. Then, inside the go-block, alts! with :priority takes one of the items from the two channels, with priority on the first one. That is because live tweets should always be processed immediately whereas previous results can wait. With this item t taken from one of the channels, the add-tweet function in the tweets namespace is called. Finally, the go-loop runs continuously using recur.
Before looking at the tweets namespace, let's have a quick look at the Ajax call performed in the start-search function above:
(defn prev-search [query-string size from]
{:method :post
:url "/tweets/search"
:data (query query-string size from)
:on-complete #(put! ajax-results-chan %)}))
Above, we see a function that takes a query string, the expected number of items in the result and an offset. It then calls json-xhr from the imported goog.net.XhrIo with a map specifying method, url, data and an event handler. XhrIo comes with Google's Closure Compiler that is used in the ClojureScript to JavaScript compilation process.
The query itself is generated by the query function in the same namespace:
(defn query [query-string size from]
{:size size :from from
:sort {:id "desc"}
:query {:query_string {:default_field "text" :default_operator "AND"
:query (str "(" query-string ") AND lang:en")}}})
This function generates the map with the properties required for the ElasticSearch query on the server side. This query will eventually go on the wire as JSON.
Then finally, as an event handler, there is an anonymous function literal that puts the result onto another channel for the Ajax results:
(def ajax-results-chan (chan))
(go-loop []
(let [parsed (js->clj (JSON/parse (<! ajax-results-chan)) :keywordize-keys true)]
(doseq [t (:hits (:hits parsed))]
(when (= 0 (mod (:_id t) 200)) (<! (timeout 10)))
(put! cljs-om.core/prev-tweets-chan (:_source t)))
Ajax results channel and Go Loop
Above, the JSON for each item on the channel is parsed into a Clojure(Script) data structure, where parsed is a vector. Then, each item in that vector is put! onto the prev-tweets-chan. Here, the value for the :_source key is used here as that is where ElasticSearch stores the original item. One thing to note here is the usage of a timeout roughly every 200 tweets. I have introduced this in order to occasionally return control to the JavaScript Event Loop so that a) the UI gets rendered and b) the event listener for tweets from the Server Sent Event stream can do its thing. Otherwise, the application just appears to halt until all previous tweets have been processed, which is really annoying. But this seems rather hacky, I would be really curious about solving this problem more elegantly.
With the preloading of tweets using Ajax calls covered, we can now proceed to the processing of tweets inside the tweets namespace. As we have seen before with the go loop alternating between channels, add-tweet is called for each tweet coming into the application:
(defn add-tweet [tweet app word-cloud]
"increment counter, add tweet to tweets map and to sorted sets by id and by followers"
(let [state @app]
(swap! app assoc :count (inc (:count state)))
(add-to-tweets-map app :tweets-map (util/format-tweet tweet))
(util/swap-pmap app :by-followers (keyword (:id_str tweet)) (:followers_count (:user tweet)))
(util/swap-pmap app :by-id (keyword (:id_str tweet)) (:id tweet))
(add-rt-status app tweet)
(wc/process-tweet app (:text tweet))
(. word-cloud (redraw (clj->js (wc/get-words app 250))))))
First of all, for each new tweet, the counter inside the application state is swapped with the number incremented by one. Then, add-to-tweets-map is called (described below), which as the name suggests adds the current tweet to the map that is found under the :tweets-map key in the application state. Before being added, each tweet is also processed; in that step, for example, user mentions and links are replaced with the correct HTML representation.
For a better understanding: the application allows displaying the tweets in different sort orders. Priority maps are used for maintaining the sort order. These priority maps contain nothing more than the ID of the tweet and whatever that specific map is sorted on, i.e. the number of followers. The full tweets are stored in one map with the ID of a tweet as the key and the tweet itself as the value. For displaying a sorted list of tweets in the UI, a sorted vector from the priority map is mapped by looking up each item in :tweets-map and using that item instead of the sorted value.
Here is how a tweet is added to the application state:
(defn add-to-tweets-map [app tweets-map tweet]
"adds tweet to tweets-map"
(swap! app
assoc-in [tweets-map (keyword (:id_str tweet))]
(util/format-tweet tweet)))
The function above takes the application state, the keyword under which the tweets-map can be found in the application state and a tweet to be added. It then swaps the application state with a new version into which the tweet is added after undergoing the format-tweet treatment. Note that assoc-in takes a vector that describes the path to the item being added or changed. The string representation of the tweet ID is converted to a keyword so that it can be used as a lookup function later (as previously described). Let's assume we have a tweet with ID string "12345". The path passed to assoc-in will then look like this: [:tweets-map :12345]. Afterwards, the map stored under the :tweets-map key will have a new key :12345 with the formatted tweet as the associated value. A call to this function will also replace an already existing item.
Overall I find working with Clojure(Script) and Om pleasant. Working and thinking in Clojure is a lot of fun. I have heard people complain about all the parentheses in Lisp but I do not share that sentiment. Quite the opposite, I find that s-expressions and the associated prefix notation add a lot of clarity without having to learn any additional, language-specific rules.
However I still need to understand how to improve the structure of an application in Clojure(Script). I am still not completely happy with the current architecture of the application described in this post. But that will hopefully improve.
Please comment and suggest any improvement you can think of, including typos and difficult to understand sentences. This is a work in progress and an early draft at that. Any help is certainly much appreciated.
Cheers, Matthias
Actually I should mention Lo-Dash instead of underscore. I use it as a drop-in replacement for underscore for one reason in particular: _.cloneDeep. The ability to deep clone a data structure makes developing an undo functionality much, much, much easier. Not as trivial as with ClojureScript or with Scala.js, but not difficult either.